Featuring the talents of

Author and Artist, Sheri LeBlanc



Inspirational Collection

Do you ever wonder what your true calling is? What your purpose is? What would happen if you took a leap of faith and went after your dreams?

The “Flight of a Lifetime” is an inspiration story with some very interesting characters that lie deep in our sub-conscious and live within our belief systems – but these characters are on a mission to stop a dream from becoming reality and will do everything to make you give up. It takes a lot of persistence to get rid of these nasty characters and find the true friends of the mind that can reignite a dream and take you to places you never thought possible! (Age 12 to adult)

Take a journey into your mind to see what is stopping you from moving forward!


Here’s a little excerpt from "Flight Of A Lifetime" for you to ponder on…

I had a dream once….

And then Doubt showed up and started chattering at me. So I tried to get away and ran into Mr. Negative, who introduced me to Who “The Heck” R U and they took me to a dark place where I could barely make out the faces. That’s when I said, “Look guys, I gotta go cause I have a dream to catch and I’m going to be late!” Then I turned to leave and bumped into What If, who greeted me so graciously. He was so eager to talk to me that he insisted I wait and catch the next dream.

Keep checking back for this story – this book will be out once illustrations are complete. See how it ends – does she ever catch her dream?

Flight Of A Lifetime