Featuring the talents of

Author and Artist, Sheri LeBlanc


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The Real Story of My First Book...

In 2010, I was approached by a very dear family friend to do a most unique task. This led me to my very first self-published book. Here’s how it all happened and a somewhat true conversation:

PennyThe family friend, “My sister Penny has EVERYTHING she could ever need – it’s going to be her 50th birthday and I am just beside myself trying to come up with the most incredibly unique and special gift ever! Can you help me?”

Me, “What did you have in mind?”

The family friend, “You’re such a great writer – can you write a poem about Penny?”

Me, “Ahhhhh……I don’t even know her, what do you want me to write?”

The family friend, “Write about her – she is beautiful, she is married to a former Boston Bruins hockey player, she comes from a family of eight, she’s a twin, she is so funny and witty – always lighting up the room and making everyone laugh and she’s in the middle of writing a book as well about her life story!”

Me, “Um…Ok – what color is her hair?”

Within an hour I had a poem for Penny. I called her sister (the family friend) to recite it to her. She loved it. One thing led to another and since I had been pestered for years from my family and friends to create a book, I took this as an opportunity to do just that.

So - the final most incredibly unique, special gift that our dear family friend bestowed upon her sister Penny was this charming little book that was all about Penny and her life. At the end of the book, I put Penny’s real photograph. Funny thing – I think my drawing of Penny was pretty close to the real Penny and all I knew at the time was the color of her hair!

Future plans and What's next... "Heart String Stories" by Playful Pages

Keep checking back as Playful Pages sets up for a new line of books called "Heart String Stories". The mission of "Heart String Stories" is to create humorous, charming and sentimental, custom cartoon books based on true stories, real people and memorable events.

You'll never again be stuck finding that perfect, unique, personal gift that's sure to be treasured by all! There's a "Heart String" story in all of us.