Featuring the talents of

Author and Artist, Sheri LeBlanc



Blog - A Thought to Ponder

A Thought to Ponder


Sometimes when we begin a journey of change or step out into unknown territory by taking a risk on a dream, we are faced with challenges that may make us want to give up.  If you have limited patience (like me - which I am working on!) or little confidence (also working on!) then adversity can cause you to think you should give up!  This is how dreams get lost, potentials never fulfilled and self improvements never fully attempted.  We can reason or talk ourselves out of anything that may be good for us and are worth pursuing if we don't apply some basic principles.

Here's a list to help you when you feel like giving up:

(1)  Have FUN

Don't make everything SO serious all the time!  Make light of tense situations or set backs.  Life is short - so grab as many opportunities to laugh as possible - even in stressful times.

(2) ENJOY the journey

You only get one!  That one journey (your life) will be full of opportunities to find enjoyment in even the smallest most insignificant moments. I see people (including myself at times) rushing around to get things done, accomplish lists, tasks or positive self changes. We get so focused on the end result instead of the road that gets us there.  It's the journey that builds us up and prepares us for the end result (which none of us knows by the way) - so why dread it?  Why be miserable along the way?  Enjoy all the tasks and tests that are put in the path of your journey and it will make for much easier travel!

(3) Perfection does not equal SUCCESS

Actually it can hold you back!  Don't wait for the perfect moment, the perfect this or the perfect that or that it all has to be PERFECT before moving forward. Sometimes you just have to DO IT! And have some TRUST and FAITH!  Which brings me to my next point...

(4) Mistakes are OPPORTUNITIES

If you have made a mistake, you have gained insight, wisdom and knowledge - how can any of that be horrible?  Also, if chose wrong the first time, you get a chance to choose again!  Who doesn't love lots of choices?  (here's where you can use #1 and have a laugh if you are still trying to get over your mistake).  Mistakes offer opportunities for us to learn and do better next time.  They build our character and give us chances to practice until we are ready.


My husband says this to me all the time (drives me NUTS!).  He's right.  Do you ever get so panicky about a situation that it consumes you and you can't even think about doing #2 on this list?  Panic and worry will rob you of the peace you can have in every moment no matter how uncomfortable that moment may be.  You will miss out on potential opportunities that are in your path.  What are you missing out on because you are full of worry?  RELAX.  Keep reading.

(6) If it's meant to be - YOU'LL GET THERE

If your dream or desire is meant to happen things will fall into place to make it happen HOWEVER they may not fall into place in your timeline or how you think they should!  If it's NOT meant to be, there will be an uneasy feeling that follows you in the process.  I am not talking about fears or worries (which only exist in your head) - I am talking about when you take a step in what you think is the right direction and deep down you don't even support yourself in the direction you took.  Not because of fear but because your gut tells you "this is not right" and "I don't feel good about this decision or direction".  Things don't easily fall into place and one too many roadblocks are in your way.  That could be a sign to change your course or approach.  Notice I didn't say it's a sign to "give up".  I said "change your course or approach".


Stick with the small accomplishments - hold on to the feeling you get when you make a small accomplishment.  We always put such high expectations on ourselves and each other.  When we do, we can always end up in disappointment.  Try having NO EXPECTATIONS.  Just use faith and persistence as your driving forces.  Allow the days to be directed by a more powerful force than what's in your head!  You may find that something even better is lining up in the universe for you.  Don't let expectations block the way.


Learn to hear your hearts intuition instead of your heads analysis.  Your head will always send a message of reasoning rather than a message of courage.  Signs are all around us, every day and it's up to us to pay attention to them.  Those are the signs that will or can connect with our faith and be the basis for the courage we need to keep going - to press on.  I like when I see people using the world and people around them as encouraging signs.  It shows their openness to all that life puts in our path.  If you dismiss or don't pay attention to life's little details then you may be missing out on so much and you will not learn how to hear the voice in your heart.  

(9) Keep things in PERSPECTIVE

If something doesn't go exactly as you had hoped you may feel the urge to give up. If this happens, try asking yourself these questions:

Was this the absolute worst thing that could have happened? (most likely "no")

What steps can I take to move forward? (you are not stuck unless you don't make a next move)

Am I giving myself enough patience? 

Is perfection really expected here or am I am really a human?

What are the positives? (there will always be some if you seek them)


Working toward a goal or dream or on yourself will most certainly bring it's share of challenges, uncertainty, set backs and fears to the surface that may make you want to give up.  The key is keep a positive attitude throughout the journey no matter what happens along the way.  It's not about the end, it's about the journey. 

To put it bluntly - my mother would say "If you achieved it all and there was no more - you'd be dead!"

The next time you feel like giving up - try applying a few of the steps above and see if this changes your outlook.

Journey on,






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