Blog - A Thought to Ponder
A Thought to Ponder
Recently, I embarked on a 21-day meditation journey with Deepak Chopra on abundance. We always seem to connect abundance to money and money to luxury, however, that notion is quite limiting.
We all can live a life of luxury so long as we work on our mindset’s definition of this term. Our biggest problem much of the time is that we have a very narrow and limiting view of what a life of luxury means. Luxury isn’t costly and anyone can achieve it daily. It might cost you some time or some needed arranging in your schedule, but other than that, it’s free to anyone who wants a luxurious, abundant life.
To better define luxury, ask yourself “what makes me happy?” and “what do I enjoy?”
You may enjoy chocolate, for example. Or maybe you enjoy going for coffee with a friend. You might enjoy a walk along the river or watching an old favorite movie. Maybe you love baking or in many cases, eating the baking once it’s done! The smell of a candle or fresh flowers might bring you enjoyment. A warm bubble bath or simply petting your dog or cat might bring you happiness.
You can turn anything at all that makes you happy into a “luxury” and enjoy it.
Sometimes our biggest block is our attitude towards ourselves. Maybe we feel undeserving. Maybe we aren’t used to taking care of our own needs first, or we might feel selfish. Sometimes we put other’s needs ahead of our own and then we are resentful and worn out when we aren’t living the life we want or enjoy. Another reason we may miss the “luxuries” in life is that we get caught up in the idea of needing “permission” by some outside source or even within ourselves. Again, this goes back to feeling underserving on some level. We have decided not to make time for ourselves because of competing priorities or lack of worth.
Deepak Chopra says…
“When you elevate the view of yourself, you elevate the quality of your life.”
It’s a ripple effect. You send a message out to the universe that you deserve “luxury” in your life and that “luxury” isn’t bound only by money, it’s much more, much deeper, much simpler and it’s in abundance for the taking all around you every day. Now the universe answers back by presenting opportunities for you to live in “luxury”, but it’s up to you to notice, be mindful and take part. No one will force you.
Do you want to live a more luxurious life today?
What mindsets need to change in you?
What brings you the most joy?
How can you incorporate this joy into your daily life?
If you are waiting for money to bring you the luxuries in life, you might be waiting a very long time and be sadly disappointed. Redefine the term, acknowledge your worth, become aware of opportunities and make the effort to take part daily in what brings you joy. Now that’s a luxury you can afford!